Friday, November 25, 2011

Is there a weight loss program for teenagers?

lose weight in a couple of weeks and don`t get fat again.Is there a weight loss program for teenagers?
weight watchers. Anyone can go except for pregnant women.Is there a weight loss program for teenagers?
This is the huge secret...ready? Eat the serving sizes of foods, and try to have a balanced diet...fruits and vegetables, meat, grain. We all know how hard it is to stay way from sweets and fats, but just try limiting them..or eating them in a way smaller portion. Also, the dreaded exercise. Just try going for a walk, then a run, or ride your bike. People have a hard time getting into it, but once you've started, it really helps you and it makes you feel better too. Drink plenty of water, and don't starve yourself, it will only make you eat more later. Lastly, if you're not ready to loose weight, don't try. This is a serious thing an it takes a lot of hard work and determination, if you give up, you will feel like you can never do it. But the truth is you can, so think about it. Good luck.

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