Friday, November 25, 2011

What do you think of teenagers having sex?

hi. there are lots of teenagers in their early ages (12,13,14,15,etc.) having sex. What do you think of that?What do you think of teenagers having sex?
I think it's stupid. I am a teen myself and I have never wanted to have sex. I don't feel that I would be ready for that at all, especially since I haven't even been in a serious relationship before. And since I am a Christian I wouldn't have sex before marriage anyway. Teens should be focusing on school, friends, etc., not sex. I am trying to make the most of my high school years by doing well in school and spending time with my amazing friends. I'm perfectly happy not being sexually active, and so are all of my friends. And plus, even if you use protection there is no guarantee that you won't get pregnant or get an STD. So I think it's stupid that anyone takes that risk (and half of them don't even use protection anyway, which is even stupider!).What do you think of teenagers having sex?
Thank you! :) I always try to focus on those things because education and friends are much more important than sex! Thanks for the best answer. :D

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WeLl I StArTeD hAvIng sEx WeN i WuZ 13 I dOnt ThiNK dErZ nOTin RonG wIT iT

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Well, thats your point of view. I'm a teenager and i've been dating my boyfriend for almost a year and a half, %26amp; a month after our one year mark we had sex, not because I felt pressured by him, but because I wanted to.

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The world, for the most part, isn't like it was a century and a few centuries ago. Back in the 13th and so century, parents married their daughters as early as 12! In the 1500s, up to the early 1900s, daughters were married as early as 15!

Now days, we look down on teenagers having sex and having babies. I think 12, 13, and 14 is way too young. A 15 year old is bound to be more mature then a 13 year old!

Personally, I think they should wait until they are out of school and with someone for a while( not just a few months but I'm talking years you know) before going further.

If a teen is responsible enough to be driving at 16, they should be responsible to wear condoms and have safe sex. If we tell them they can't do it, they are more then likely going to end up doing it behind our backs and may not practice safe sex which leads to not only pregnancy but possible STD's.
I think it's ridiculous that they're having sex so young... They don't think of anything but themselves and what they want. They think about how it'll make them feel good and look mature and grown up. They never think about the risks and consequences. They never think about the fact that they're not only putting their futures on the line but also the life and future of the baby they might conceive.

It just makes me so frustrated that they could be so careless with such an important, life changing act.
Well, seeing as I am a teenager (15) myself, I can see both sides.

On the side of the teenager, there are several things to consider. Peer pressure is a big one, along with pressure from the boy friend (or girlfriend). There is also this need in our generation to grow up very quickly, and that much is not the fault of the teenager. We have SO much stress on ourselves nowadays. School, homework, college, all just to name a few. You cannot expect us to work that hard and not think we are grown-up sooner than we should be.

On the other hand, it is irresponsible and sad. My best friend, in fact, just started having sex, and I can remember the day we both took and oath to wait until at least seventeen. So much for that. I think no one that age, I don't care how ';in love'; they are, can be responsible enough to have sex. Many don't understand the value of protection, and many also overlook the emotional damage it can do.
I think it is nature. Teenagers are people too and they have sexual urges and feelings, which is natural and is for the purpose of reproduction, but people today do not always use sex for just that. Just because people view the world differently and their opinions have changed on sex and what age is appropriate to have sex, dose not mean that a persons natural instincts change too. Like I said it is nature
I think it has always happened since the beginning of time, and will continue to happen.

We need to talk to our kids and educate them so that they make the right decisions in life and aren't pressured into doing something they don't want to do, or end up with diseases, or end up a parent themselves before they are ready.


why the thumbs down? I didn't say I condone it. I'm just saying that teens are going to do things like that... it isn't anything new. Our best bet is to TALK to our children and EDUCATE them, so hopefully they don't make the WRONG decision to do that!!!
Sex is only for a man and a woman who are married. That simple.

Since you can't get married at those ages, you shouldn't be having sex.

Of course children should not date until they are 16 and should not have a steady relationship until after high school. That pretty much helps kids have morals- it is no guarantee, but it does help.
As a virgin who just turned 17, I find kids of those ages having sex to be really, incredibly strange. I feel like if I'd had sex that young it'd ruin my life! Or at least the joy and excitement of a relationship.

Teens my age? That's a little bit different. But only a little.

Seriously. These kids do not have the sense of responsibility and maturity to handle such a relationship. No matter what they think.
It's sad that kids are under so much pressure about this nowadays. Even when i was 16 (only 6 years ago) if you had slept with someone, you were classes as a ';slut';, but now, kids are egging each other on about it.

Kids need to be kids, there's nothing wrong with it. Why they feel the need to grow up so fast is beyond me, i loved being 15 just hanging out with my friends, and chatting about nothing in particular. If anything, i miss it now!!
Well, it's acceptable in other cultures, but not in ours and we should keep it that way. What society lost was ';shame';. Without shame, parents don't tell their kids off and kids don't moderate their behaviour. Shame was what made us conform, no one wanted to be thought badly of, and no ones parents wanted shame to be brought on the family, so you behaved on pain of death, least you bring or experience shame. The trend now is to screw what anyone else thinks and be outrageous. It doesn't work for me. I say bring back shame.
I personally put it down to wanting to grow up far too soon, peer pressure (';all my friends say they've done it....';) it doesn't occur to these kids that the friends who say they have are probably lying about it to make themselves look big and also down to education. Or rather a lack of education.
As the mother of a 13 yr old, I think it's disgusting. Teenagers are mentally unprepared for such adult activities and it will only lead to more trouble than they ever imagined. I kind of wonder if there is something lacking in their lives to engage so young.
I'm saddened by it actually.

This is to young young to be involved in an intimate relationship. They are giving away something so precious so cheaply.

Waiting until you are older is a far wiser choice for so many reasons.
It's too young, but it is going to happen. Someone needs to talk to them. Not teachers. Parents. Tell them something real, you can't just say ';don't do it.';
I think it's sad that they feel the need to be ';grown up'; so early. I just wish that sexual education programs were put into place so that these children would know what they were doing.
I started when i was 15 also..I don't think it's safe and also its very irresponsible. if i could go back in time i would definitely wait until marriage.
its obviously not a problem for boys as long as they wear a condom.

girls can have emotional problems though later in life.

they can develop feelings for guys who just want sex.
I think it's sad. They are way too young to being this. I wonder how many of their parents know what's going on or I wonder where are their parents while this is happening.
12 isn't even a teen age. Anyhow, I think someone should waite till they at least 18 and now the complication of sex.
i cant believe people are saying its the parents fault

edit: sometimes it is but in most cases its not....
I think their parents need a good kick in the head.
leave condoms for them and go to youtube and make them watch 30 min of birthing videos.
i think it is wrong, and thats why there are so many abortion

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